Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hays Has It! (chasing that is...)

I've been awful about updating this thing the past few days so here goes a reader's digest version of my time since visiting Russell.  We spent another couple of days in Hays, KS which turned out to be a blast.  It's a neat little town with surprisingly a lot to keep you busy for a short while.  After going back to Russell, we grabbed a few hours of shut eye at the hotel and then went out for a "backyard" chase.  There were some storms moving through the area (not tornadic) with some spectacular cloud features.  The ground was also very dry so the gust fronts off these storms really picked up the dust so well.  We were trying to take pictures and getting absolutely sandblasted.  The dust was getting picked up so high that it off in the distance you could only see a very thin sliver of sky between the cloud bases and the top of the dust plumes.  It was like something out of a horror movie!  It was a really great chase with an amazing lightning show at the end.  I'm a little partial to lightning...maybe it's being from Florida.  But I could have stood out there for hours watching the bolts dance across the clouds!

The next day in Hays was a first for me...fossil hunting with Marcus and Herb.  Millions of years ago (billions?) that area was covered in water and so in the limestone facades along the highways you can find fossils of shells and apparently prehistoric animals.  We found some really great ones but my suitcase might be a little heavy on the way home...

***I have more pics to add to this post.

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